
Jesus the Miracle Worker: A Historical and Theological Study is unavailable, but you can change that!

Few today doubt that Jesus was viewed by many of his contemporaries as a miracle worker. And many scholars today would agree that Jesus was a healer and an exorcist. But what does this mean? Was Jesus simply a master at relieving psychological distress, a healer of psychosomatic illness, a purveyor of paranormal therapy? What distinguished Jesus from other miracle workers of the ancient world?...

Buri, exemplifies an even more radically negative position.9 This battle will not be resolved with more fury or by the throwing of more abuse and theological mud at opponents. Another way forward is instead to return to the text of the Gospels with (as far as possible) an open mind, using all the critical skills of the historian available.10 Therefore part of the purpose of this book is to help unravel issues in the debate over the miracles of Jesus. 2. The study of the miracles of Jesus is also
Pages 19–20